An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure! Smile Matters recommends thorough bi-annual examinations are recommended to make sure oral health is maintained at the optimum levels. It’s critical that these follow up appointments are kept to ensure prevention of more serious problems. Preventive care is highlighted by:
Oral Cancer Screenings
Very thorough inspections are done to monitor for Oral cancer in all patients irrespective of whether they smoke or not. Early detection is the key, when it comes to saving lives. We encourage patients to call if lesions/ ulcers or growths on the lips or in any area within the mouth are noticed but do not go away within a week or so.
Radio-graphic Cavities and Bone levels Monitoring
Digital radiographs expose patients to 90% less radiation compared to the traditional film radiographs and have higher resolution. We use annual radiographs to detect cavities (caries) early and make a decision to treat it conservatively. Bone around each tooth can be assessed regularly to make sure there is little or no bone loss and incase ofbone loss, appropriate treatments are done to prevent further deterioration that can lead to tooth loss.
Periodontal (Gum) Disease Prevention
Detailed measurements are made to monitor the health of the gums around every tooth for, gum recession, bleeding, pocket depths, tooth mobility and bone levels around each tooth. Halitosis (bad breath) can be a sign of oral and or systemic problems and cause social embarrassment. It’s important to find the “cause” and then treat it appropriately.
Prophylactic Cleanings and Polishing
Healthy gums and teeth can be Cleaned with ultrasonic and hand instruments gently to remove the tartar and plaque. Stains accumulated by foods and beverages can be polished to maintain the pristine,healthy look.
TMJ (Jaw Joint exam)
The jaw joints need to be checked regularly for clicking and popping to ensure Temporo- mandibular Joint disorders are caught early on.
Monitor the Mouth Body Connections
Research has very well established evidence that the Gum Disease can effect Diabetes, Heart disease, Respiratory health, Pregnancy, Auto immune diseases and vice versa. For e.g. a pre-diabetic status can change quickly if that person has a tooth or gum infection and treating it can restore the sugar levels to normal. A baby can be born low birth weight if the mother has gum inflammation and infection during pregnancy that was left untreated. Snoring, along with undiagnosed and untreated sleep apnea can have devastating effects on the rest of the body. Dr. Sahota is very vigilant about investigating all such connections and getting the appropriate assistance from the Medical community.
Growth and Development Monitoring for Kids and Teens
Dr. Sahota studies the growth and development of children, likes to make the connections with the genetic tendencies the child may have with the environmental influences they grow in. This interaction of genes and the environment is called Epigenetics and is the key in understanding bite problems, airway obstructions, postural compensations and temporomandibular joint (jaw joint).